I don't possess a high quality voice but I wanna sing this just to ease the disappointments, failures and burdens of mine. RAINBOW by SOUTH BORDER.
"Oohhh... Can't you see? No matter what happens, life goes on and on. So baby, just SMILE. Even if there is rain now, everything will be alright. For as long as the world spins there will be nights and days. THERE'S A RAINBOW ALWAYS AFTER THE RAIN."
I should have reached my goals. I should have fulfilled what I had promised to myself. I should had remove myself from the prison of disgusting expectations.
Third grading period was undeniably having the most hectic schedule among the three gradings we had. It was fully loaded with activities especially those which are held outside the campus. But you know what? I still love ICT IV most importantly our topic about Microsoft Front Page. That was such a cool application! It is my first time to try and see how it works. One word to describe it? AMAZING. The passion of mine about computers, information and communications, web designs really drive me to take up BSIT in the near future.
So far, no problem had occurred yet except a misunderstanding about the Web Page Design Making with some friends. But PAST IS PAST. I don't want to talk about it anymore because it will just hurt me. Regarding to our other subjects? I think the major obstacle to my success is the Thesis. This third grading, I know I will fail because of this. I lose the all the concentration thinking of our titles. and everything about my other subjects. I am not satisfied with my ICT score same through with all my other subjects. I should have got higher if not because of that thesis! Why life is so hard like this?
I really don't have anything to address those problems. Third grading is over. I'll just hope for the best. We can't bring back time. What I can do now is just to pray and lift up my hands to God for he'll show me the way. Everything is a mess, a total disaster, and I can't do anything otherwise. I'll just accept that my goal will remain unreachable. *sad face*
Moving on, I want more positive outlooks in life. Back off bad vibes! I will be more than happy if ever I can make it this third grading but if not, maybe fourth grading may do. Maybe my best wasn't enough for now. But until the last time, the last quarter, I'll fight for the thing I am fighting for since second year. GO CLAIRE! I trust myself.

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