Filipino month had passed and it’s time to turn a new page of the school calendar. We’re in the so-called “BER months” so… ADVANCE MERRY CHRISTMAS! But hey! Its September and we will move on to the celebration of Science Month.
The first time I read the theme of this celebration, I wonder how it comes to be like this. Honestly, I can’t capture a vivid picturesque about this statement. Even just a glimpse of idea, nothing was inserted to my poor memory. It’s so complicated. I don’t get the point immediately. Until one afternoon, a classmate told me the realm of the theme and this is how I understand it…
SCIENTRICITY - a fused version of Science and Electricity. Beside from financial and other economic issues that we’re suffering, time will come that energy, which we use in our daily lives will be scarce sooner. As they say, nothing is permanent in this world. Now, each of us consumes a lot more energy per day. In everything we do, we take energy to be able to move. We keep on abusing without considering the sake of others. If we keep on consuming, maybe just a few years from now, expect that nothing will be left for the next generation. So, this is the message which the theme depicts, CONSERVE ENERGY. And each of us can have a share. That’s why we must activate our resourcefulness especially in the field of Science. Let’s get ourselves be involved in a change for the betterment of the future.
It’s quite odd isn’t it? It seems the terms used are unbelievable yet you don’t only know it conveys something addressed to the whole world. There’s a deep meaning behind every single word that composes it.
Whatever it is, how it is stated, it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is that we can internalize and we can visualize what message the theme imposes. CONSERVE ENERGY FOR THE FUTURE GENERATION. Hand in hand, we can bring a change. The theme urges us for an action. An action to make a change. Dare to act. NOW!
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