For the span of almost three months, I have gained so many lessons that lead me to accumulate bright ideas which will definitely be my advantage in the future. It ranges from the History of Internet and its uses; the famous personalities involved in the evolution of Internet like Marc Andreessen, Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn, Jonathan Postel, William Torres, and Rodolfo Villarica; the different Internet services like e-mail, information publishing and research, group discussion, long distance computing, internet voice (VOIP), Wide Area Information Services (WAIS), and World Wide Web; major components of the Internet; until we were introduced in the world of Blogging.Guess what? Having this so called Class Blog gave an ambiance to my entire ICT life. Because of this, I can share my insights to all other internet users around the globe. At first, I thought blogging was a difficult task but as time goes by, posting in the blog makes me feel alright and happy. What a delightful feeling! :)
So far, I haven't encountered problems yet. Our teacher was awesome and our class was a lively one. The way Mrs. Vera Cruz handle and impart knowledge to us was synchronized. I understand every topic very much and I'd always love to hear those lessons she shares.
Moving on, I will try to sharpen my memory regarding on the dates. I know I got low score during our quiz in the history of internet. I got mentally blocked. So I do hope that next time we will have exams on dates, there will be improvement on my score.
Our first grading period will end soon. Our exam came nearer and nearer. I hope I will get a high score.
How I wish the next grading would be as marvelous like the first one! :)
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