Being in the Information and Communication technology (ICT) class for three consecutive years had been a lot beneficial to me. And now, I'm again included in this class for the fourth year with my able and lovely mentor, Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz.
For the span of almost three months, I have gained so many lessons that lead me to accumulate bright ideas which will definitely be my advantage in the future. It ranges from the History of Internet and its uses; the famous personalities involved in the evolution of Internet like Marc Andreessen, Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn, Jonathan Postel, William Torres, and Rodolfo Villarica; the different Internet services like e-mail, information publishing and research, group discussion, long distance computing, internet voice (VOIP), Wide Area Information Services (WAIS), and World Wide Web; major components of the Internet; until we were introduced in the world of Blogging.Guess what? Having this so called Class Blog gave an ambiance to my entire ICT life. Because of this, I can share my insights to all other internet users around the globe. At first, I thought blogging was a difficult task but as time goes by, posting in the blog makes me feel alright and happy. What a delightful feeling! :)
So far, I haven't encountered problems yet. Our teacher was awesome and our class was a lively one. The way Mrs. Vera Cruz handle and impart knowledge to us was synchronized. I understand every topic very much and I'd always love to hear those lessons she shares.
Moving on, I will try to sharpen my memory regarding on the dates. I know I got low score during our quiz in the history of internet. I got mentally blocked. So I do hope that next time we will have exams on dates, there will be improvement on my score.
Our first grading period will end soon. Our exam came nearer and nearer. I hope I will get a high score.
How I wish the next grading would be as marvelous like the first one! :)
"A resilient and dynamic economy resting on the foundations of good governance is the best defense against global uncertainty." - President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III.
A number of days had passed since our very own President Benigno Aquino delivered his State of the Nation's Address (SONA) during the joint session of the 15th Congress last July 23, 2012 at the House of Representatives in Quezon City.
Honestly speaking, I never heard any of President Aquino's SONA directly from any media resources. Whenever our teachers require us to submit reactions regarding his speech, I simply rely on Google. It's not the reaction itself I'm going to copy-paste (I'm not fond of copy-paste reactions). I'm only interested with the composition of the SONA. It's because I do better understand if I read it rather than hearing it for a long span of time.
It's not anymore new to our ears if Mr. President would consume too many hours on his talk. Of course there's always a part wherein he'll elaborate all his accomplishments, his programs to be continued, the rise and fall of our economy and most importantly, the anomalies of the past administration. But what keeps on hunting my mind is that, if he was able to broadcast all those things, why can't I feel the CHANGE he used to promised on the very first part of the election? I mean, yes he may have done the work or some of his programs but, where were the locations of his programs? Were they intended for Manila residents only? I have not yet seen or heard in the news he had projects on provinces like Ilocos. He keeps on chanting, "KUNG WALANG CORRUPT, WALANG MAHIRAP" but until now. . . poverty still dominates the Filipino people. We still have so many debts from other countries. Do we attain progress with this? If not now, when will we feel the Change he wants to spare with us? Until when we'll suffer this kind of country?
I thought he listened to our cries. But I can sense I was wrong. Not all of the Filipino people were benefited.
Nutritionists claim that . . . "WHAT WE EAT, IS WHAT WE ARE"
Our physical health is maintained by that which we eat; for that which you put in your body, affects all of your organs and tissues. a wrong diet, or an indulged appetite of a good one, greatly hinders mental and physical efficiency. An improper diet not only injures our bodies, but keeps our minds from functioning as well as they should.
VEGETABLES, as we all know, have the richest source for the vitamins and minerals we MUST obtain. They have the greatest amount of energy our body needs, especially the green and leafy ones. They contain nutrients which keeps our systems in good condition to function properly. They are the BEST among other foods we eat. Some also have medicinal properties effective in curing illnesses.
Along these vitamins are as follows:
- keeps mocus membranes healthy thus it protects against infections, even in infants.
- protects and helps heart muscles, brain growth, nervous system, peristalsis, red blood count and circulation.
- works with other B VITAMINS in energy metabolism.
3. VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid)
- vital in the treatment of lengthy list of physical disorders and diseases.
- needed for production of COLLAGEN (Cell Cement), the main protein of the body.
4. VITAMIN D (Ergosterol, Calciferol, Viosterol)
- needed for the absorption of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals in the digestive tract.
5. VITAMIN E (Tocopherols)
- antioxidant in protecting against heart diseases, cancer and strokes.
- oxygenates the cell and tissues, reduces the need for oxygen.
6. VITAMIN F (Essential Fatty Acids)
- reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- reduce risk of blood clot formation.
Without vitamins, you would quickly die. They are crucial to all life functions. They are also called co-enzymes because they work with enzymes and enable them to trigger all body processes.
A lot of benefits we could get from them. Sad to say, others still hate vegetables and they rather prefer the meat products. Like the small children. Most of them are the ones encountering diseases and infections because they choose junk foods and sweets over the nutritious ones. Their immune system then, becomes weak and they mow have less energy to perform their daily task.
Do what it takes to live right and you will be richly repaid later on. It is worth any convenience to have good health. Radiant health is a reward worth any price.
CREDITS TO: America's Master Book Of Home Remedies: Natural Remedies Encyclopedia